Lookout! I’m going to hit the reset button.


Why are we here?

Ever since I started working on Wordpress-Master.com, I wanted the site to offer helpful content to people seeking wordpress advice, training and tips.  I feel we are moving along nicely to towards that goal, but there are a few site choices that I believe are a barrier to learning and moving forward.

What are you going to change?

I will be looking to tweak wordpress-master.com in a number of ways.
  1. Removal or repositioning of the Advertising Elements
  • Improve design by removing clutter
  • Advertising elements will primarly be consistent with delivered content
Encourage participation of Readers
  • Build a community for interaction
  • Together we can enhance content (or correct my mistakes)
Provide Naviagation Support for Wordpress Topic Areas
  • Enable "fingertip" selections for the content you want
  • Popular focus areas SEO, Themes, Plugins etc
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